One of Indonesia's Superior Commodities

Cashew nuts, also known as "kacang mete" or "kacang mede" in Indonesia, are one of the country's premium commodities known for their high quality and distinctive taste. These nuts come from the seeds of the cashew apple (Anacardium occidentale), which thrive in various regions of Indonesia such as Java, Sulawesi, and Bali. Indonesia is recognized as one of the world's leading producers of cashew nuts, exporting its products to numerous countries. The processing of cashew nuts in Indonesia is generally meticulous to ensure the best quality. After the cashew seeds are harvested, they are dried, roasted, and then shelled to obtain ready-to-eat cashew nuts. This process involves modern technology as well as manual skills passed down through generations. Indonesian cashew nuts are known for their savory taste and crunchy texture, as well as their high nutritional content. They are rich in protein, fiber, vitamin E, and minerals such as magnesium and phosphorus. D

Humans are a collection of EMOTIONS, not LOGIC

        When dealing with people, let us remember that we are dealing with emotional creatures, creatures filled with prejudice and motivated by pride and arrogance." (Dale Carnegie in his book How To Win Friends And Influence People)

        Instead of forcing our will, let's try to go in and dive deeper into someone's emotions to understand what they want, so that we can be wiser when conveying our thoughts, ideas or ideas to other people.


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